
Providence Wealth Advisory Group Pty Ltd (AFSL 245643)

Please be aware that neither Providence Wealth Advisory Group Pty Ltd (AFSL 245643), it’s employees nor any other of its representatives are tax agents and none provide any Tax Agent Services as defined by the Tax Agent Services Act 2009.

No advice in any Statement/Record of Advice we provide is intended to be considered by you as a Tax (Financial) Advice service (a type of tax agent service) that you should rely on to, satisfy liabilities that arise, or could arise, under a taxation law; or claim entitlements that arise or could arise, under a taxation law.

You should always consult a registered tax agent and rely on their taxation advice if you are to satisfy and tax obligations or claim tax entitlements that arise out of or in relation to our financial product advice.

Providence Wealth Advisory Group ( AFSL 245643 ) has made every effort to ensure that the information in this report is accurate, however its accuracy, reliability or completeness is not guaranteed.

Although consideration has been given as to the appropriateness of information to the recipient, no warranty is made to the accuracy or reliability of neither the information contained nor the specific recommendation for the recipient.

Providence Wealth Advisory Group, its subsidiaries, affiliates or employees may have interests in securities or investment opportunities mentioned in this report. This document should only be read by the intended recipients.

Providence Wealth Advisory Group, and its employees, disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage, which may be suffered by the recipient through relying on anything contained or omitted in this report and/or its recommendations.

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